
It's facing toward tomorrow♪

2 件のコメント:

  1. Dear Suhei,
    I grant “The Sunshine Award 2011” to you for your stunning art blog:

    The rules:
    - Thank the person who gave you this award.
    - Write a post about it.
    - Answer to the questions below.
    - Pass it on to 10 bloggers who you think really deserve it and send them a message to let them know.

    The questions:
    01. Your favorite color?
    02. Your favorite animal?
    03. Your favorite number?
    04. Your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
    05. You join facebook or twitter?
    06. What’s your passion?
    07. What´s your favorite: getting or giving presents?
    08. Your favorite pattern?
    09. Your favorite day of the week?
    10. Your favorite flower?

    Best regards - Lars

  2. Hi Lars,

    Thank you for giving me this “The Sunshine Award 2011”.
    I answer the your questions,

    01. My favorite color is "shocking pink"!
    02. My favorite animal is "dog"!
    03. My favorite number is "7"!
    04. My favorite non-alcoholic drink is "Ginger ale"!
    05. I join both facebook and twitter.
    06. My passion things is art!
    07. My favorite giving presents are my painted pictures!
    08. My favorite pattern is colorful things!
    09. My favorite day is sunny day!
    10. My favorite flower is "APPLE OF THE DAY"!
